Sunday, January 25, 2009

Proof of Life

Every year during the pre-holiday rush, all the holiday cards hit the shelves. To no avail, Stefanie finds some sort of Penguin/Bear/Snow-man/Moose themed card-pack that we must get. Every year, we fail to send out the cards despite the fact we take pictures of ourselves poised ever so carefully in festive colors and hues. Where these packs of holiday cards reside by the time Spring rolls around? I do not know. Rest assured these packages still have their manufacturers seal still on the box complete with Made in China sticker on the plastic wrapping. Consider yourself warned; though. Those of you daring enough to keep in contact with us may receive a barrage of snow-penguinian-bear-moose-man cards one year. It may be too much to handle.

At the behest of Stefanie, I will post a holiday picture of us. I was informed that one of her friends doubts her existence in Ohio since photo-evidence of her existence here has not been demonstrated. I enter into evidence exibit Figure 1 below. It could be pod-Stefanie, card-board-cut-out-Stefanie or real-Stefanie. Much in the same way a tootsie-roll center resides an innumerable licks away from its tootsie-roll-pop surface, so the enigma of Ohio-Stefanie grows deeper. ; )

We are sitting on the stump of the tree that I felled earlier in Fall. As a side note, It almost fell the wrong direction and would have crashed into our living room if a neighbor with more knowledge of forestry had not been driving by. The look on his face as I was under-cutting the tree with my handy-dandy brand-new chain-saw urged me to stop my actions immediately. I suppose it would have provided us the impetus to add a skylight if it had happened. Thank you Jon. Enough-with-the-hyphens.---