Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Going Green!

May 2011

Cut out the sod, tilled the ground, made my furrows.  Fenced with rabbit proof fencing.  Or so they say it's rabbit proof.  I think a family of rabbits is living in my garden.

Listening to Dream Theater and White Zombie while assembling the defenses.

 Planted: 12 bicolor sweet corn, 4 zucchini, 2 watermelon, 2 pumpkin, 4 pickling cucumber, 1 English cucumber, 1 Mr. Stripey Tomato, 1 Green Zebra Tomato, 2 Yellow Jubilees and 1 Pink Brandywine, 2 Red Brandywine tomato plants and basil.

Creating a raised garden bed out of old railroad ties in the yard.  Lined the bottom with rock, and filled with mulch from the past three years.

Planted: 1 each of Orange and Yellow Bell Pepper plants, 1 each of ichiban and globe egg plants, 6 cauliflower, 2 jalapeno plants, and a bed of asparagus.


August 2011

Raised bed going nuts!  Look at the size of that cauliflower!  And my Asparagus root crown is really taking off.  We have more jalapenos than we know what to do with; pickled peppers?

Explosion of produce!  So far we've harvested corn, zucchini and eggplant from the garden.  Currently have 5 pie pumpkins growing.  Mmmmm... Homemade pumpkin pie from scratch.

One of our brandywine tomato plants is taller than Stef!