Saturday, August 7, 2010

Summer Days and Bountiful Harvests

Rusty keeping cool in the shade.

Tala just got back from a walk and is playing in the yard.

Our budding Giant Pumpkin.  It's "only" 16" in diameter, but still has 2 and a half months to go to Halloween.

One of several weekly green bean harvests from the yard.

Fresh vine-ripened Romas and Cherry tomatoes from the raised garden.  Stef made the most amazing tomato sauce with these.

Fresh raspberry harvest from our friends Jeff and Julie.  We gave them ~ 2 gallons of fresh sour cherries from our tree.  I think we may have a summer food co-op going.

Making some Home-made Raspberry sorbet.  The best...

Small batch of peaches from our tree.  We would have had a bumper crop if it weren't for torrential down pour of rain for a week, which made the remaining peaches mushy and non-useable.  I guess next year will be the year.

Making some peach sorbet.
Stef is allergic to peaches.  But if we cook the puree, it inactivates the allergens.