Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Past Twelve Years

Today marks the anniversary of a wonderfully awkward day that changed the path of our lives forever. Twelve years ago today, we were sixteen, getting out of fourth period excited about the prospect of lunch. Today, I don't remember what fourth period was when I was a Sophomore in high school, but I do remember rounding the corner of Clem's classroom, seeing Tom at his locker, and deciding that I would tap him on the shoulder as I passed him to say, "Hi." I did not anticipate his response. "Can I ask you a question?" he said. I responded," Yes." The question that ensued left me at a loss for words," Do you like me or something?" I remember being instantly panicked, wracking my brain for the appropriate answer, psychoanalyzing the situation at hand. Thank goodness he did not wait for my response before he followed up with another question, " Do you want to be my girlfriend?" This question was not as loaded, and could be answered easily, without hesitation, "Yes." The lunch that followed was exciting, but awkward. We typically ate lunch with the same group of people, but on this occasion, we sat together on his flannel since the grass was damp in the shade of the tree.

Twelve years later, being older and hopefully wiser, I sometimes cringe thinking about how painfully awkward the interaction was, but I am amazed at the impact those simple questions and answers have had on our lives. At sixteen, my concern was the upcoming Sadie Hawkins Dance--I had no idea what would would happen a year from then, let alone twelve years from then! At twenty-eight and twelve years into our relationship, we commemorated this day starting with donuts at our breakfast table, putting in our eight hours, cooking an awesome dinner together, and curling up on the couch to watch Survivor and Grey's.

Friday, February 13, 2009


... is not something that I normally play, let alone talk about or even watch for that matter. I'm pretty sure Jr. High was the last time I played. During recess to be specific.

At any rate, Stef and myself have inherited a basketball hoop with our recent home move. I decided that it was time to put it to use. So, I bought a net, and a ball. In my excitement to put the net on, I think I neglected some simple rules of directionality in which the ball enters. See below. No wonder the net was hard to attach...

As I was finishing hanging the net, Stefanie proceeded to comment on the obvious. Citing both her parents that were highschool basketball players as references of expertise. I told her it gave it character, or some statement that alluded to the thought that it was purposefully hung in such a fashion. Truthfully, I would had have to cut it down to actually get it off the hoop. Oh well... it adds "flare." You would think I would have used the 5 other basketball hoops on my street as reference.


-Thomas "Bird" Blomquist