Sunday, April 12, 2009

One of the Best Weekends...

This weekend started like many weekends here in the blomquist fujii household of Ohio. We typically have great aspirations to get all sorts of projects done; fix this, paint that, pickup groceries, etcetera. For the most part, we usually only complete a third of proposed goals. This was one of those weekends destined for tangents. Earlier in the week, Tala was starting to show matting in her fur, and was demonstrating hygenic challenges on her rear side. I called to schedule her for this Saturday to get her groomed at her usual place. Early Saturday I dropped her off, then after a haircut, and grocery shopping we went to pick her back up and she had divided into two!

Tala (Swedish for girl bear; center), and her new counterpart Rusty (Left). Someone had given him up for adoption because they couldn't take care of him. We saw him at the adoptathon at the groomer/pet-store and decided he needed a good home. He is too sweet, and he and Tala love romping around the yard together (see picture above). He is already taking to Crate training for sleeping and as a safety place. He slept soundly through the first night without a peep, and is the most pleasant dog you could imagine. So far, no potty problems in the house.

Sunday, we got up early and I dropped Rusty off at the groomer for him to get cleaned up. The ladies there loved him, and said he is quite an affectionate doggy. We arrived back home, Stef started working on Easter Sunday lunch/dinner (see above) and I worked in the yard mowing the lawn. Rusty and Tala spent their time in the kitchen watching Stefanie cook. Their heads sometimes cock from side to side in unison. The facial expressions are too funny sometimes. After a good gorging, the dogs went outside to play, then layed down for a nap with me.

A very nice weekend.

A nicely groomed Rusty taking a nap.

1 comment:

Gary A Blomquist said...

Dear Tom and Stef:


Great story, and pictures. Looks like Rusty will be a great fit in your family.

Love, Mom and Dad B.

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