Sunday, October 11, 2009

Camping weekend at Mohican

This time of year the Maples and Oaks really begin to take on their Fall colors in Ohio. With some friends from Stef's work, Jeff and Julie, their children Lauren, Lydia and Anna, and Jeff's Father Dave, we trekked down to Mohican State Park for a Fall camping trip to take in the Reds, Orange and Yellows. Notably, this was Stef's first time camping in a tent, and naturally, she was a bit apprehensive. But all went well. We left early Saturday morning around 6:00a, stopped for breakfast and were at camp setting up tents by about 9:00a.
(Our new tent and camping equipment)
After we setup camp, we went for a hike near Charles' Hill Dam.

(Stef and Julie getting ready for a hike)

(Jeff and Dave getting ready for a hike)

(Lydia, Lauren, Jeff with Anna stopping to breathe in the fresh air)

(Some interestingly colored biology on the side of a log)

(Some exposed Sand stone)
(Lauren and Lydia stop to check out river rocks)
(Mohican River)

After our hike we ate at Malabar Farms Inn and Restaurant. Food was very good. Stef and I are hoping we can plan a trip back there to enjoy a little extended weekend this Winter for some R&R. After lunch we went for a horse ride at a place in Mohican called Equestrian Valley. The equestrian ranch was on 220 acres and had breathtaking views.

(Stef on Horse back)

(Stef and myself at the Equestrian Valley Ranch)

By about 5:30p, with our leg muscles talking to us, we decided to mosy on back to camp to cook up some grub. The ladies prepped some red potatoes with carrots, onions and rosemary, and barbecue chicken with onions which the men cooked over the fire pit.

(Jeff, Anna, myself and Dave cooking Dinner)

We ate our food, warmed ourselves by a toasty fire, and watched the sun set over the lake by our camp site. Quite a nice evening.

We all settled down for a nice cool Fall snooze and listened to the wind blow through the trees. Next morning we stoked the fire, warmed up and went to Mohican Resort for breakfast overlooking pleasantville reservoir.

And that was our camping weekend at Mohican.

1 comment:

Gary A Blomquist said...

Dear Tom and Stef:

Looks like a beautiful place to camp. I haven't done a horse back riding in years. I do miss doing that, when we did it up in the Sierra at Gold Lake Stables.

Love, Dad B.

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