Saturday, August 7, 2010

Summer Days and Bountiful Harvests

Rusty keeping cool in the shade.

Tala just got back from a walk and is playing in the yard.

Our budding Giant Pumpkin.  It's "only" 16" in diameter, but still has 2 and a half months to go to Halloween.

One of several weekly green bean harvests from the yard.

Fresh vine-ripened Romas and Cherry tomatoes from the raised garden.  Stef made the most amazing tomato sauce with these.

Fresh raspberry harvest from our friends Jeff and Julie.  We gave them ~ 2 gallons of fresh sour cherries from our tree.  I think we may have a summer food co-op going.

Making some Home-made Raspberry sorbet.  The best...

Small batch of peaches from our tree.  We would have had a bumper crop if it weren't for torrential down pour of rain for a week, which made the remaining peaches mushy and non-useable.  I guess next year will be the year.

Making some peach sorbet.
Stef is allergic to peaches.  But if we cook the puree, it inactivates the allergens.

1 comment:

Gary A Blomquist said...

Dear Thomas and Stefanie:

Wonderful pictures of your garden produce!

Our pumpkin isn't close to that big back here in San Jose.

Those green beans and raspberries are beautiful too!

We have been getting cherry tomatos, and and just starting to get a few regular sized tomatos now. Also we are getting a few Zuchinni and Crook Neck squash.
It's wonderful to see your veggies and fruit pics.
Love, Dad B.

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